Emergent Mind


With the increase of content pages and interactive buttons in online services such as online-shopping and video-watching websites, industrial-scale recommender systems face challenges in multi-domain and multi-task recommendations. The core of multi-task and multi-domain recommendation is to accurately capture user interests in multiple scenarios given multiple user behaviors. In this paper, we propose a plug-and-play \textit{\textbf{P}arameter and \textbf{E}mbedding \textbf{P}ersonalized \textbf{Net}work (\textbf{PEPNet})} for multi-domain and multi-task recommendation. PEPNet takes personalized prior information as input and dynamically scales the bottom-level Embedding and top-level DNN hidden units through gate mechanisms. \textit{Embedding Personalized Network (EPNet)} performs personalized selection on Embedding to fuse features with different importance for different users in multiple domains. \textit{Parameter Personalized Network (PPNet)} executes personalized modification on DNN parameters to balance targets with different sparsity for different users in multiple tasks. We have made a series of special engineering optimizations combining the Kuaishou training framework and the online deployment environment. By infusing personalized selection of Embedding and personalized modification of DNN parameters, PEPNet tailored to the interests of each individual obtains significant performance gains, with online improvements exceeding 1\% in multiple task metrics across multiple domains. We have deployed PEPNet in Kuaishou apps, serving over 300 million users every day.

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