Emergent Mind


Platooning can serve as an effective management measure for connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs) to ensure overall traffic efficiency. Current study focus on the longitudinal control of CAV platoons, however it still remains a challenging problem to stay safe under lane-change scenarios where both longitudinal and lateral control is required. In this paper, a safety-critical control method is proposed conduct lane-changing maneuvers for platooning CAVs using Control Barrier Functions (CBFs). The proposed method is composed of two layers: a higher-level controller for general lane change decision control and a lower-level controller for safe kinematics control. Different from traditional kinematics controllers, this lower-level controller conducts not only longitudinal safety-critical control but also critically ensures safety for lateral control during the platooning lane change. To effectively design this lower-level controller, an optimization problem is solved with constraints defined by both CBFs and Control Lyapunov Functions (CLFs). A traffic simulator is used to conduct numerical traffic simulations in four safety-critical scenarios and showed the effectiveness of the proposed controller.

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