Emergent Mind

Multi-video Moment Ranking with Multimodal Clue

Published Jan 29, 2023 in cs.CV


Video corpus moment retrieval~(VCMR) is the task of retrieving a relevant video moment from a large corpus of untrimmed videos via a natural language query. State-of-the-art work for VCMR is based on two-stage method. In this paper, we focus on improving two problems of two-stage method: (1) Moment prediction bias: The predicted moments for most queries come from the top retrieved videos, ignoring the possibility that the target moment is in the bottom retrieved videos, which is caused by the inconsistency of Shared Normalization during training and inference. (2) Latent key content: Different modalities of video have different key information for moment localization. To this end, we propose a two-stage model \textbf{M}ult\textbf{I}-video ra\textbf{N}king with m\textbf{U}l\textbf{T}imodal clu\textbf{E}~(MINUTE). MINUTE uses Shared Normalization during both training and inference to rank candidate moments from multiple videos to solve moment predict bias, making it more efficient to predict target moment. In addition, Mutilmdaol Clue Mining~(MCM) of MINUTE can discover key content of different modalities in video to localize moment more accurately. MINUTE outperforms the baselines on TVR and DiDeMo datasets, achieving a new state-of-the-art of VCMR. Our code will be available at GitHub.

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