Emergent Mind

Few-Shot Image-to-Semantics Translation for Policy Transfer in Reinforcement Learning

Published Jan 31, 2023 in cs.LG , cs.AI , and cs.CV


We investigate policy transfer using image-to-semantics translation to mitigate learning difficulties in vision-based robotics control agents. This problem assumes two environments: a simulator environment with semantics, that is, low-dimensional and essential information, as the state space, and a real-world environment with images as the state space. By learning mapping from images to semantics, we can transfer a policy, pre-trained in the simulator, to the real world, thereby eliminating real-world on-policy agent interactions to learn, which are costly and risky. In addition, using image-to-semantics mapping is advantageous in terms of the computational efficiency to train the policy and the interpretability of the obtained policy over other types of sim-to-real transfer strategies. To tackle the main difficulty in learning image-to-semantics mapping, namely the human annotation cost for producing a training dataset, we propose two techniques: pair augmentation with the transition function in the simulator environment and active learning. We observed a reduction in the annotation cost without a decline in the performance of the transfer, and the proposed approach outperformed the existing approach without annotation.

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