Emergent Mind

A Safety Framework for Flow Decomposition Problems via Integer Linear Programming

Published Jan 30, 2023 in cs.DS , math.CO , and q-bio.GN


Many important problems in Bioinformatics (e.g., assembly or multi-assembly) admit multiple solutions, while the final objective is to report only one. A common approach to deal with this uncertainty is finding safe partial solutions (e.g., contigs) which are common to all solutions. Previous research on safety has focused on polynomially-time solvable problems, whereas many successful and natural models are NP-hard to solve, leaving a lack of "safety tools" for such problems. We propose the first method for computing all safe solutions for an NP-hard problem, minimum flow decomposition. We obtain our results by developing a "safety test" for paths based on a general Integer Linear Programming (ILP) formulation. Moreover, we provide implementations with practical optimizations aimed to reduce the total ILP time, the most efficient of these being based on a recursive group-testing procedure. Results: Experimental results on the transcriptome datasets of Shao and Kingsford (TCBB, 2017) show that all safe paths for minimum flow decompositions correctly recover up to 90% of the full RNA transcripts, which is at least 25% more than previously known safe paths, such as (Caceres et al. TCBB, 2021), (Zheng et al., RECOMB 2021), (Khan et al., RECOMB 2022, ESA 2022). Moreover, despite the NP-hardness of the problem, we can report all safe paths for 99.8% of the over 27,000 non-trivial graphs of this dataset in only 1.5 hours. Our results suggest that, on perfect data, there is less ambiguity than thought in the notoriously hard RNA assembly problem. Availability: https://github.com/algbio/mfd-safety

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