Emergent Mind

Faster Algorithm for Minimum Ply Covering of Points with Unit Squares

Published Jan 30, 2023 in cs.CG and cs.DS


Biedl et al. introduced the minimum ply cover problem in CG 2021 following the seminal work of Erlebach and van Leeuwen in SODA 2008. They showed that determining the minimum ply cover number for a given set of points by a given set of axis-parallel unit squares is NP-hard, and gave a polynomial time $2$-approximation algorithm for instances in which the minimum ply cover number is bounded by a constant. Durocher et al. recently presented a polynomial time $(8 + \epsilon)$-approximation algorithm for the general case when the minimum ply cover number is $\omega(1)$, for every fixed $\epsilon > 0$. They divide the problem into subproblems by using a standard grid decomposition technique. They have designed an involved dynamic programming scheme to solve the subproblem where each subproblem is defined by a unit side length square gridcell. Then they merge the solutions of the subproblems to obtain the final ply cover. We use a horizontal slab decomposition technique to divide the problem into subproblems. Our algorithm uses a simple greedy heuristic to obtain a $(27+\epsilon)$-approximation algorithm for the general problem, for a small constant $\epsilon>0$. Our algorithm runs considerably faster than the algorithm of Durocher et al. We also give a fast $2$-approximation algorithm for the special case where the input squares are intersected by a horizontal line. The hardness of this special case is still open. Our algorithm is potentially extendable to minimum ply covering with other geometric objects such as unit disks, identical rectangles etc.

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