Emergent Mind

Red teaming ChatGPT via Jailbreaking: Bias, Robustness, Reliability and Toxicity

Published Jan 30, 2023 in cs.CL and cs.SE


Recent breakthroughs in NLP have permitted the synthesis and comprehension of coherent text in an open-ended way, therefore translating the theoretical algorithms into practical applications. The LLMs have significantly impacted businesses such as report summarization software and copywriters. Observations indicate, however, that LLMs may exhibit social prejudice and toxicity, posing ethical and societal dangers of consequences resulting from irresponsibility. Large-scale benchmarks for accountable LLMs should consequently be developed. Although several empirical investigations reveal the existence of a few ethical difficulties in advanced LLMs, there is little systematic examination and user study of the risks and harmful behaviors of current LLM usage. To further educate future efforts on constructing ethical LLMs responsibly, we perform a qualitative research method called ``red teaming'' on OpenAI's ChatGPT\footnote{In this paper, ChatGPT refers to the version released on Dec 15th.} to better understand the practical features of ethical dangers in recent LLMs. We analyze ChatGPT comprehensively from four perspectives: 1) \textit{Bias} 2) \textit{Reliability} 3) \textit{Robustness} 4) \textit{Toxicity}. In accordance with our stated viewpoints, we empirically benchmark ChatGPT on multiple sample datasets. We find that a significant number of ethical risks cannot be addressed by existing benchmarks, and hence illustrate them via additional case studies. In addition, we examine the implications of our findings on AI ethics and harmal behaviors of ChatGPT, as well as future problems and practical design considerations for responsible LLMs. We believe that our findings may give light on future efforts to determine and mitigate the ethical hazards posed by machines in LLM applications.

Framework compares ChatGPT's AI ethics with leading LLMs, evaluating bias, robustness, reliability, and toxicity.


  • The paper provides a comprehensive analysis of ChatGPT focusing on ethical considerations like bias, robustness, reliability, and toxicity.

  • It compares ChatGPT's performance in reducing social bias and its vulnerability to adversarial inputs, with state-of-the-art LLMs.

  • Findings highlight ChatGPT's challenges, including its propensity for misinformation and the potential for 'jailbreaking' to generate toxic content.

  • The study advocates for more diversified benchmarks, enhanced modeling strategies, and robust safety frameworks for ethical LLM deployment.

A Multifaceted Evaluation of ChatGPT: Ethical Considerations in Bias, Robustness, Reliability, and Toxicity


Recent advancements in NLP through models like ChatGPT have shown remarkable capabilities in generating human-like text, offering promising utilities across various domains. However, accompanying these advancements are ethical and societal considerations concerning biases, robustness, reliability, and toxicity embedded within these models. In this summary, we delve into a comprehensive qualitative and empirical examination of OpenAI's ChatGPT, exploring its ethical facets and laying out implications for future AI research and applications.

Ethical Concerns in ChatGPT


Examining ChatGPT from a bias perspective revealed a mixed bag of results. On one hand, comparisons with state-of-the-art (SOTA) LLMs using established benchmarks like BBQ and BOLD suggest that ChatGPT exhibits lesser social bias across diverse scenarios, including age, gender identity, and sexual orientation. However, the analysis transcends these benchmarks, uncovering inadequacies in ChatGPT's multilingual understanding and potential biases in content generation across different languages. This aspect indicates a need for broader evaluations that encompass multilingual and multicultural considerations in assessing bias in LLMs.


The study further explored ChatGPT's adversarial robustness and propensity to semantic perturbations. Findings from evaluations using IMDB sentiment analysis and BoolQ factual question answering datasets illustrate that ChatGPT, despite displaying superior robustness to certain adversarial inputs compared to baselines, remains susceptible to semantics-altering perturbations. This susceptibility underscores the challenges in ensuring LLMs' stability against varying inputs and highlights an area requiring ongoing research attention.


Reliability assessments, particularly focusing on factual accuracy and knowledge retention, underscore the challenge of hallucination — the generation of false or misleading information by LLMs. Through specific case studies, instances of misinformation were identified, raising concerns about the use of ChatGPT in scenarios requiring precise factual information. These results point towards the essential need for mechanisms to enhance the factual reliability of LLMs.


The evaluation extends into the domain of toxicity, where ChatGPT showed promising reductions in generating toxic content under normal operations compared to other LLMs. Nonetheless, the ability to "jailbreak" ChatGPT into producing harmful or toxic outputs through specific prompt injections indicates vulnerabilities that need to be addressed. This finding stresses the importance of developing more advanced safety measures to prevent the exploitation of LLMs for generating inappropriate content.

Implications and Future Directions

The multifaceted analysis of ChatGPT not only sheds light on its ethical dimensions but also sets the stage for broader discussions on the development and deployment of ethical LLMs. It calls for:

  • Comprehensive and diversified benchmarks that go beyond current standards to include multilingual, multicultural, and multimodal considerations, ensuring LLMs are evaluated against a broader spectrum of ethical risks.
  • Enhanced modeling strategies and continuous updating mechanisms to improve LLMs' understanding of factual knowledge and reduce the propensity for hallucination.
  • Robust safety frameworks that can effectively mitigate the risks of adversarial attacks and prevent the exploitation of LLMs' capabilities for generating harmful content.


This study presents an extensive exploration of ChatGPT's performance through the lens of AI ethics, revealing both its strengths and areas of vulnerability. As LLMs like ChatGPT become increasingly embedded in our digital infrastructure, the responsibility to ensure their ethical use becomes paramount. Addressing the identified challenges and pushing the boundaries of current evaluation frameworks will be critical in harnessing the full potential of LLMs while safeguarding against their ethical pitfalls.

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