Emergent Mind

The Hidden Power of Pure 16-bit Floating-Point Neural Networks

Published Jan 30, 2023 in cs.LG , cs.AI , and cs.PF


Lowering the precision of neural networks from the prevalent 32-bit precision has long been considered harmful to performance, despite the gain in space and time. Many works propose various techniques to implement half-precision neural networks, but none study pure 16-bit settings. This paper investigates the unexpected performance gain of pure 16-bit neural networks over the 32-bit networks in classification tasks. We present extensive experimental results that favorably compare various 16-bit neural networks' performance to those of the 32-bit models. In addition, a theoretical analysis of the efficiency of 16-bit models is provided, which is coupled with empirical evidence to back it up. Finally, we discuss situations in which low-precision training is indeed detrimental.

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