Emergent Mind


Self-supervised learning (SSL) aims to learn intrinsic features without labels. Despite the diverse architectures of SSL methods, the projection head always plays an important role in improving the performance of the downstream task. In this work, we systematically investigate the role of the projection head in SSL. Specifically, the projection head targets the uniformity part of SSL, which pushes the dissimilar samples away from each other, thus enabling the encoder to focus on extracting semantic features. Based on this understanding, we propose a Representation Evaluation Design (RED) in SSL models in which a shortcut connection between the representation and the projection vectors is built. Extensive experiments with different architectures, including SimCLR, MoCo-V2, and SimSiam, on various datasets, demonstrate that the representation evaluation design can consistently improve the baseline models in the downstream tasks. The learned representation from the RED-SSL models shows superior robustness to unseen augmentations and out-of-distribution data.

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