Emergent Mind

Limitless stability for Graph Convolutional Networks

Published Jan 26, 2023 in cs.LG and math.FA


This work establishes rigorous, novel and widely applicable stability guarantees and transferability bounds for graph convolutional networks -- without reference to any underlying limit object or statistical distribution. Crucially, utilized graph-shift operators (GSOs) are not necessarily assumed to be normal, allowing for the treatment of networks on both undirected- and for the first time also directed graphs. Stability to node-level perturbations is related to an 'adequate (spectral) covering' property of the filters in each layer. Stability to edge-level perturbations is related to Lipschitz constants and newly introduced semi-norms of filters. Results on stability to topological perturbations are obtained through recently developed mathematical-physics based tools. As an important and novel example, it is showcased that graph convolutional networks are stable under graph-coarse-graining procedures (replacing strongly-connected sub-graphs by single nodes) precisely if the GSO is the graph Laplacian and filters are regular at infinity. These new theoretical results are supported by corresponding numerical investigations.

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