Emergent Mind

A Provable Splitting Approach for Symmetric Nonnegative Matrix Factorization

Published Jan 25, 2023 in cs.LG and math.OC


The symmetric Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF), a special but important class of the general NMF, has found numerous applications in data analysis such as various clustering tasks. Unfortunately, designing fast algorithms for the symmetric NMF is not as easy as for its nonsymmetric counterpart, since the latter admits the splitting property that allows state-of-the-art alternating-type algorithms. To overcome this issue, we first split the decision variable and transform the symmetric NMF to a penalized nonsymmetric one, paving the way for designing efficient alternating-type algorithms. We then show that solving the penalized nonsymmetric reformulation returns a solution to the original symmetric NMF. Moreover, we design a family of alternating-type algorithms and show that they all admit strong convergence guarantee: the generated sequence of iterates is convergent and converges at least sublinearly to a critical point of the original symmetric NMF. Finally, we conduct experiments on both synthetic data and real image clustering to support our theoretical results and demonstrate the performance of the alternating-type algorithms.

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