Emergent Mind


Most existing transformer based video instance segmentation methods extract per frame features independently, hence it is challenging to solve the appearance deformation problem. In this paper, we observe the temporal information is important as well and we propose TAFormer to aggregate spatio-temporal features both in transformer encoder and decoder. Specifically, in transformer encoder, we propose a novel spatio-temporal joint multi-scale deformable attention module which dynamically integrates the spatial and temporal information to obtain enriched spatio-temporal features. In transformer decoder, we introduce a temporal self-attention module to enhance the frame level box queries with the temporal relation. Moreover, TAFormer adopts an instance level contrastive loss to increase the discriminability of instance query embeddings. Therefore the tracking error caused by visually similar instances can be decreased. Experimental results show that TAFormer effectively leverages the spatial and temporal information to obtain context-aware feature representation and outperforms state-of-the-art methods.

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