Emergent Mind

Unsupervised Data Selection for TTS: Using Arabic Broadcast News as a Case Study

Published Jan 22, 2023 in cs.CL , cs.SD , and eess.AS


Several high-resource Text to Speech (TTS) systems currently produce natural, well-established human-like speech. In contrast, low-resource languages, including Arabic, have very limited TTS systems due to the lack of resources. We propose a fully unsupervised method for building TTS, including automatic data selection and pre-training/fine-tuning strategies for TTS training, using broadcast news as a case study. We show how careful selection of data, yet smaller amounts, can improve the efficiency of TTS system in generating more natural speech than a system trained on a bigger dataset. We adopt to propose different approaches for the: 1) data: we applied automatic annotations using DNSMOS, automatic vowelization, and automatic speech recognition (ASR) for fixing transcriptions' errors; 2) model: we used transfer learning from high-resource language in TTS model and fine-tuned it with one hour broadcast recording then we used this model to guide a FastSpeech2-based Conformer model for duration. Our objective evaluation shows 3.9% character error rate (CER), while the groundtruth has 1.3% CER. As for the subjective evaluation, where 1 is bad and 5 is excellent, our FastSpeech2-based Conformer model achieved a mean opinion score (MOS) of 4.4 for intelligibility and 4.2 for naturalness, where many annotators recognized the voice of the broadcaster, which proves the effectiveness of our proposed unsupervised method.

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