Emergent Mind

Compositional Net Semantics up to Step Net Bisimilarity

Published Jan 11, 2023 in cs.LO


Step net bisimilarity \cite{Gor23} is a truly concurrent behavioral equivalence for finite Petri nets, which is defined as a smooth generalization of standard step bisimilarity \cite{NT84} on Petri nets, but with the property of relating markings (of the same size only) generating the same partial orders of events. The process algebra FNM \cite{Gor17} truly represents all (and only) the finite Petri nets, up to isomorphism. We prove that step net bisimilarity is a congruence w.r.t. the FMN operators, In this way, we have defined a compositional semantics, fully respecting causality and the branching structure of systems, for the class of all the finite Petri nets.

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