Emergent Mind

Wasserstein Gradient Flows of the Discrepancy with Distance Kernel on the Line

Published Jan 11, 2023 in math.OC , cs.NA , math.NA , and math.PR


This paper provides results on Wasserstein gradient flows between measures on the real line. Utilizing the isometric embedding of the Wasserstein space $\mathcal P2(\mathbb R)$ into the Hilbert space $L2((0,1))$, Wasserstein gradient flows of functionals on $\mathcal P2(\mathbb R)$ can be characterized as subgradient flows of associated functionals on $L2((0,1))$. For the maximum mean discrepancy functional $\mathcal F\nu := \mathcal D2K(\cdot, \nu)$ with the non-smooth negative distance kernel $K(x,y) = -|x-y|$, we deduce a formula for the associated functional. This functional appears to be convex, and we show that $\mathcal F\nu$ is convex along (generalized) geodesics. For the Dirac measure $\nu = \deltaq$, $q \in \mathbb R$ as end point of the flow, this enables us to determine the Wasserstein gradient flows analytically. Various examples of Wasserstein gradient flows are given for illustration.

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