Emergent Mind

Quantum Speedups for Zero-Sum Games via Improved Dynamic Gibbs Sampling

Published Jan 10, 2023 in quant-ph , cs.DS , and math.OC


We give a quantum algorithm for computing an $\epsilon$-approximate Nash equilibrium of a zero-sum game in a $m \times n$ payoff matrix with bounded entries. Given a standard quantum oracle for accessing the payoff matrix our algorithm runs in time $\widetilde{O}(\sqrt{m + n}\cdot \epsilon{-2.5} + \epsilon{-3})$ and outputs a classical representation of the $\epsilon$-approximate Nash equilibrium. This improves upon the best prior quantum runtime of $\widetilde{O}(\sqrt{m + n} \cdot \epsilon{-3})$ obtained by [vAG19] and the classic $\widetilde{O}((m + n) \cdot \epsilon{-2})$ runtime due to [GK95] whenever $\epsilon = \Omega((m +n){-1})$. We obtain this result by designing new quantum data structures for efficiently sampling from a slowly-changing Gibbs distribution.

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