Emergent Mind

On vectorial functions with maximal number of bent components

Published Jan 7, 2023 in cs.IT and math.IT


We study vectorial functions with maximal number of bent components in this paper. We first study the Walsh transform and nonlinearity of $F(x)=x{2e}h(\Tr_{2{2m}/2m}(x))$, where $e\geq0$ and $h(x)$ is a permutation over $\F{2m}$. If $h(x)$ is monomial, the nonlinearity of $F(x)$ is shown to be at most $ 2{2m-1}-2{\lfloor\frac{3m}{2}\rfloor}$ and some non-plateaued and plateaued functions attaining the upper bound are found. This gives a partial answer to the open problems proposed by Pott et al. and Anbar et al. If $h(x)$ is linear, the exact nonlinearity of $F(x)$ is determined. Secondly, we give a construction of vectorial functions with maximal number of bent components from known ones, thus obtain two new classes from the Niho class and the Maiorana-McFarland class. Our construction gives a partial answer to an open problem proposed by Pott et al., and also contains vectorial functions outside the complete Maiorana-McFarland class. Finally, we show that the vectorial function $F: \F{2{2m}}\rightarrow \F_{2{2m}}$, $x\mapsto x{2m+1}+x{2i+1}$ has maximal number of bent components if and only if $i=0$.

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