Emergent Mind

Quantum Circuit Resizing

Published Dec 30, 2022 in cs.ET and quant-ph


Existing quantum systems provide very limited physical qubit counts, trying to execute a quantum algorithm/circuit on them that have a higher number of logical qubits than physically available lead to a compile-time error. Given that it is unrealistic to expect existing quantum systems to provide, in near future, sufficient number of qubits that can accommodate large circuit, there is a pressing need to explore strategies that can somehow execute large circuits on small systems. In this paper, first, we perform an analysis to identify the qubits that are most suitable for circuit resizing. Our results reveal that, in most quantum programs, there exist qubits that can be reused mid-program to serially/sequentially execute the circuit employing fewer qubits. Motivated by this observation, we design, implement and evaluate a compiler-based approach that i) identifies the qubits that can be most beneficial for serial circuit execution; ii) selects those qubits to reuse at each step of execution for size minimization of the circuit; and iii) minimizes Middle Measurement (MM) delays due to impractical implementation of shots to improve the circuit reliability. Furthermore, since our approach intends to execute the circuits sequentially, the crosstalk errors can also be optimized as a result of the reduced number of concurrent gates. The experimental results indicate that our proposed approach can (i) execute large circuits that initially cannot fit into small circuits, on small quantum hardware, and (ii) can significantly improve the PST of the results by 2.1X when both original and our serialized programs can fit into the target quantum hardware.

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