Emergent Mind

Learning Road Scene-level Representations via Semantic Region Prediction

Published Jan 2, 2023 in cs.CV and cs.RO


In this work, we tackle two vital tasks in automated driving systems, i.e., driver intent prediction and risk object identification from egocentric images. Mainly, we investigate the question: what would be good road scene-level representations for these two tasks? We contend that a scene-level representation must capture higher-level semantic and geometric representations of traffic scenes around ego-vehicle while performing actions to their destinations. To this end, we introduce the representation of semantic regions, which are areas where ego-vehicles visit while taking an afforded action (e.g., left-turn at 4-way intersections). We propose to learn scene-level representations via a novel semantic region prediction task and an automatic semantic region labeling algorithm. Extensive evaluations are conducted on the HDD and nuScenes datasets, and the learned representations lead to state-of-the-art performance for driver intention prediction and risk object identification.

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