Emergent Mind

On Undersmoothing and Sample Splitting for Estimating a Doubly Robust Functional

Published Dec 30, 2022 in math.ST , stat.ME , stat.ML , and stat.TH


We consider the problem of constructing minimax rate-optimal estimators for a doubly robust nonparametric functional that has witnessed applications across the causal inference and conditional independence testing literature. Minimax rate-optimal estimators for such functionals are typically constructed through higher-order bias corrections of plug-in and one-step type estimators and, in turn, depend on estimators of nuisance functions. In this paper, we consider a parallel question of interest regarding the optimality and/or sub-optimality of plug-in and one-step bias-corrected estimators for the specific doubly robust functional of interest. Specifically, we verify that by using undersmoothing and sample splitting techniques when constructing nuisance function estimators, one can achieve minimax rates of convergence in all H\"older smoothness classes of the nuisance functions (i.e. the propensity score and outcome regression) provided that the marginal density of the covariates is sufficiently regular. Additionally, by demonstrating suitable lower bounds on these classes of estimators, we demonstrate the necessity to undersmooth the nuisance function estimators to obtain minimax optimal rates of convergence.

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