Emergent Mind

Concentration of the Langevin Algorithm's Stationary Distribution

Published Dec 24, 2022 in stat.ML , cs.LG , math.PR , math.ST , and stat.TH


A canonical algorithm for log-concave sampling is the Langevin Algorithm, aka the Langevin Diffusion run with some discretization stepsize $\eta > 0$. This discretization leads the Langevin Algorithm to have a stationary distribution $\pi{\eta}$ which differs from the stationary distribution $\pi$ of the Langevin Diffusion, and it is an important challenge to understand whether the well-known properties of $\pi$ extend to $\pi{\eta}$. In particular, while concentration properties such as isoperimetry and rapidly decaying tails are classically known for $\pi$, the analogous properties for $\pi{\eta}$ are open questions with direct algorithmic implications. This note provides a first step in this direction by establishing concentration results for $\pi{\eta}$ that mirror classical results for $\pi$. Specifically, we show that for any nontrivial stepsize $\eta > 0$, $\pi{\eta}$ is sub-exponential (respectively, sub-Gaussian) when the potential is convex (respectively, strongly convex). Moreover, the concentration bounds we show are essentially tight. Key to our analysis is the use of a rotation-invariant moment generating function (aka Bessel function) to study the stationary dynamics of the Langevin Algorithm. This technique may be of independent interest because it enables directly analyzing the discrete-time stationary distribution $\pi{\eta}$ without going through the continuous-time stationary distribution $\pi$ as an intermediary.

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