Emergent Mind

Causal Inference for Knowledge Graph based Recommendation

Published Dec 20, 2022 in cs.IR


Knowledge Graph (KG), as a side-information, tends to be utilized to supplement the collaborative filtering (CF) based recommendation model. By mapping items with the entities in KGs, prior studies mostly extract the knowledge information from the KGs and inject it into the representations of users and items. Despite their remarkable performance, they fail to model the user preference on attributes in the KG, since they ignore that (1) the structure information of KG may hinder the user preference learning, and (2) the user's interacted attributes will result in the bias issue on the similarity scores. With the help of causality tools, we construct the causal-effect relation between the variables in KG-based recommendation and identify the reasons causing the mentioned challenges. Accordingly, we develop a new framework, termed Knowledge Graph-based Causal Recommendation (KGCR), which implements the deconfounded user preference learning and adopts counterfactual inference to eliminate bias in the similarity scoring. Ultimately, we evaluate our proposed model on three datasets, including Amazon-book, LastFM, and Yelp2018 datasets. By conducting extensive experiments on the datasets, we demonstrate that KGCR outperforms several state-of-the-art baselines, such as KGNN-LS, KGAT and KGIN.

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