Emergent Mind

Inverse Reinforcement Learning for Text Summarization

Published Dec 19, 2022 in cs.CL


We introduce inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) as an effective paradigm for training abstractive summarization models, imitating human summarization behaviors. Our IRL model estimates the reward function using a suite of important sub-rewards for summarization and concurrently optimizes the policy network. Experimental results across datasets in different domains (CNN/DailyMail and WikiHow) and various model sizes (BART-base and BART-large) demonstrate the superiority of our proposed IRL model for summarization over MLE and RL baselines. The resulting summaries exhibit greater similarity to human-crafted gold references, outperforming MLE and RL baselines on metrics such as ROUGE, coverage, novelty, compression ratio, factuality, and human evaluations.

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