Emergent Mind


This paper investigates the problem of Named Entity Recognition (NER) for extreme low-resource languages with only a few hundred tagged data samples. NER is a fundamental task in NLP. A critical driver accelerating NER systems' progress is the existence of large-scale language corpora that enable NER systems to achieve outstanding performance in languages such as English and French with abundant training data. However, NER for low-resource languages remains relatively unexplored. In this paper, we introduce Mask Augmented Named Entity Recognition (MANER), a new methodology that leverages the distributional hypothesis of pre-trained masked language models (MLMs) for NER. The <mask> token in pre-trained MLMs encodes valuable semantic contextual information. MANER re-purposes the <mask> token for NER prediction. Specifically, we prepend the <mask> token to every word in a sentence for which we would like to predict the named entity tag. During training, we jointly fine-tune the MLM and a new NER prediction head attached to each <mask> token. We demonstrate that MANER is well-suited for NER in low-resource languages; our experiments show that for 100 languages with as few as 100 training examples, it improves on state-of-the-art methods by up to 48% and by 12% on average on F1 score. We also perform detailed analyses and ablation studies to understand the scenarios that are best-suited to MANER.

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