Emergent Mind

On Non-Interactive Source Simulation via Fourier Transform

Published Dec 19, 2022 in cs.IT , cs.CR , cs.SY , eess.SY , math.IT , and math.PR


The non-interactive source simulation (NISS) scenario is considered. In this scenario, a pair of distributed agents, Alice and Bob, observe a distributed binary memoryless source $(Xd,Yd)$ generated based on joint distribution $P{X,Y}$. The agents wish to produce a pair of discrete random variables $(Ud,Vd)$ with joint distribution $P{Ud,Vd}$, such that $P{Ud,Vd}$ converges in total variation distance to a target distribution $Q{U,V}$ as the input blocklength $d$ is taken to be asymptotically large. Inner and outer bounds are obtained on the set of distributions $Q{U,V}$ which can be produced given an input distribution $P{X,Y}$. To this end, a bijective mapping from the set of distributions $Q{U,V}$ to a union of star-convex sets is provided. By leveraging proof techniques from discrete Fourier analysis along with a novel randomized rounding technique, inner and outer bounds are derived for each of these star-convex sets, and by inverting the aforementioned bijective mapping, necessary and sufficient conditions on $Q{U,V}$ and $P{X,Y}$ are provided under which $Q{U,V}$ can be produced from $P_{X,Y}$. The bounds are applicable in NISS scenarios where the output alphabets $\mathcal{U}$ and $\mathcal{V}$ have arbitrary finite size. In case of binary output alphabets, the outer-bound recovers the previously best-known outer-bound.

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