Emergent Mind

Shapley variable importance cloud for machine learning models

Published Dec 16, 2022 in cs.LG


Current practice in interpretable machine learning often focuses on explaining the final model trained from data, e.g., by using the Shapley additive explanations (SHAP) method. The recently developed Shapley variable importance cloud (ShapleyVIC) extends the current practice to a group of "nearly optimal models" to provide comprehensive and robust variable importance assessments, with estimated uncertainty intervals for a more complete understanding of variable contributions to predictions. ShapleyVIC was initially developed for applications with traditional regression models, and the benefits of ShapleyVIC inference have been demonstrated in real-life prediction tasks using the logistic regression model. However, as a model-agnostic approach, ShapleyVIC application is not limited to such scenarios. In this work, we extend ShapleyVIC implementation for machine learning models to enable wider applications, and propose it as a useful complement to the current SHAP analysis to enable more trustworthy applications of these black-box models.

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