Emergent Mind

Multimodal Prototype-Enhanced Network for Few-Shot Action Recognition

Published Dec 9, 2022 in cs.CV and cs.AI


Current methods for few-shot action recognition mainly fall into the metric learning framework following ProtoNet, which demonstrates the importance of prototypes. Although they achieve relatively good performance, the effect of multimodal information is ignored, e.g. label texts. In this work, we propose a novel MultimOdal PRototype-ENhanced Network (MORN), which uses the semantic information of label texts as multimodal information to enhance prototypes. A CLIP visual encoder and a frozen CLIP text encoder are introduced to obtain features with good multimodal initialization. Then in the visual flow, visual prototypes are computed by a visual prototype-computed module. In the text flow, a semantic-enhanced (SE) module and an inflating operation are used to obtain text prototypes. The final multimodal prototypes are then computed by a multimodal prototype-enhanced (MPE) module. Besides, we define a PRototype SImilarity DiffErence (PRIDE) to evaluate the quality of prototypes, which is used to verify our improvement on the prototype level and effectiveness of MORN. We conduct extensive experiments on four popular few-shot action recognition datasets: HMDB51, UCF101, Kinetics and SSv2, and MORN achieves state-of-the-art results. When plugging PRIDE into the training stage, the performance can be further improved.

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