Emergent Mind

Integration of Pre-trained Protein Language Models into Geometric Deep Learning Networks

Published Dec 7, 2022 in cs.LG , cs.CE , and q-bio.QM


Geometric deep learning has recently achieved great success in non-Euclidean domains, and learning on 3D structures of large biomolecules is emerging as a distinct research area. However, its efficacy is largely constrained due to the limited quantity of structural data. Meanwhile, protein language models trained on substantial 1D sequences have shown burgeoning capabilities with scale in a broad range of applications. Several previous studies consider combining these different protein modalities to promote the representation power of geometric neural networks, but fail to present a comprehensive understanding of their benefits. In this work, we integrate the knowledge learned by well-trained protein language models into several state-of-the-art geometric networks and evaluate a variety of protein representation learning benchmarks, including protein-protein interface prediction, model quality assessment, protein-protein rigid-body docking, and binding affinity prediction. Our findings show an overall improvement of 20% over baselines. Strong evidence indicates that the incorporation of protein language models' knowledge enhances geometric networks' capacity by a significant margin and can be generalized to complex tasks.

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