Emergent Mind

Improved Algebraic Degeneracy Testing

Published Dec 6, 2022 in cs.CG and cs.DS


In the classical linear degeneracy testing problem, we are given $n$ real numbers and a $k$-variate linear polynomial $F$, for some constant $k$, and have to determine whether there exist $k$ numbers $a1,\ldots,ak$ from the set such that $F(a1,\ldots,ak) = 0$. We consider a generalization of this problem in which $F$ is an arbitrary constant-degree polynomial, we are given $k$ sets of $n$ numbers, and have to determine whether there exist a $k$-tuple of numbers, one in each set, on which $F$ vanishes. We give the first improvement over the na\"ive $O*(n{k-1})$ algorithm for this problem (where the $O*(\cdot)$ notation omits subpolynomial factors). We show that the problem can be solved in time $O*\left( n{k - 2 + \frac 4{k+2}}\right)$ for even $k$ and in time $O*\left( n{k - 2 + \frac{4k-8}{k2-5}}\right)$ for odd $k$ in the real RAM model of computation. We also prove that for $k=4$, the problem can be solved in time $O*(n{2.625})$ in the algebraic decision tree model, and for $k=5$ it can be solved in time $O*(n{3.56})$ in the same model, both improving on the above uniform bounds. All our results rely on an algebraic generalization of the standard meet-in-the-middle algorithm for $k$-SUM, powered by recent algorithmic advances in the polynomial method for semi-algebraic range searching. In fact, our main technical result is much more broadly applicable, as it provides a general tool for detecting incidences and other interactions between points and algebraic surfaces in any dimension. In particular, it yields an efficient algorithm for a general, algebraic version of Hopcroft's point-line incidence detection problem in any dimension.

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