Emergent Mind

D-TensoRF: Tensorial Radiance Fields for Dynamic Scenes

Published Dec 5, 2022 in cs.CV


Neural radiance field (NeRF) attracts attention as a promising approach to reconstructing the 3D scene. As NeRF emerges, subsequent studies have been conducted to model dynamic scenes, which include motions or topological changes. However, most of them use an additional deformation network, slowing down the training and rendering speed. Tensorial radiance field (TensoRF) recently shows its potential for fast, high-quality reconstruction of static scenes with compact model size. In this paper, we present D-TensoRF, a tensorial radiance field for dynamic scenes, enabling novel view synthesis at a specific time. We consider the radiance field of a dynamic scene as a 5D tensor. The 5D tensor represents a 4D grid in which each axis corresponds to X, Y, Z, and time and has 1D multi-channel features per element. Similar to TensoRF, we decompose the grid either into rank-one vector components (CP decomposition) or low-rank matrix components (newly proposed MM decomposition). We also use smoothing regularization to reflect the relationship between features at different times (temporal dependency). We conduct extensive evaluations to analyze our models. We show that D-TensoRF with CP decomposition and MM decomposition both have short training times and significantly low memory footprints with quantitatively and qualitatively competitive rendering results in comparison to the state-of-the-art methods in 3D dynamic scene modeling.

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