Emergent Mind

GARF:Geometry-Aware Generalized Neural Radiance Field

Published Dec 5, 2022 in cs.CV


Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) has revolutionized free viewpoint rendering tasks and achieved impressive results. However, the efficiency and accuracy problems hinder its wide applications. To address these issues, we propose Geometry-Aware Generalized Neural Radiance Field (GARF) with a geometry-aware dynamic sampling (GADS) strategy to perform real-time novel view rendering and unsupervised depth estimation on unseen scenes without per-scene optimization. Distinct from most existing generalized NeRFs, our framework infers the unseen scenes on both pixel-scale and geometry-scale with only a few input images. More specifically, our method learns common attributes of novel-view synthesis by an encoder-decoder structure and a point-level learnable multi-view feature fusion module which helps avoid occlusion. To preserve scene characteristics in the generalized model, we introduce an unsupervised depth estimation module to derive the coarse geometry, narrow down the ray sampling interval to proximity space of the estimated surface and sample in expectation maximum position, constituting Geometry-Aware Dynamic Sampling strategy (GADS). Moreover, we introduce a Multi-level Semantic Consistency loss (MSC) to assist more informative representation learning. Extensive experiments on indoor and outdoor datasets show that comparing with state-of-the-art generalized NeRF methods, GARF reduces samples by more than 25\%, while improving rendering quality and 3D geometry estimation.

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