Emergent Mind


Ego-pose estimation and dynamic object tracking are two critical problems for autonomous driving systems. The solutions to these problems are generally based on their respective assumptions, \ie{the static world assumption for simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) and the accurate ego-pose assumption for object tracking}. However, these assumptions are challenging to hold in dynamic road scenarios, where SLAM and object tracking become closely correlated. Therefore, we propose DL-SLOT, a dynamic LiDAR SLAM and object tracking method, to simultaneously address these two coupled problems. This method integrates the state estimations of both the autonomous vehicle and the stationary and dynamic objects in the environment into a unified optimization framework. First, we used object detection to identify all points belonging to potentially dynamic objects. Subsequently, a LiDAR odometry was conducted using the filtered point cloud. Simultaneously, we proposed a sliding window-based object association method that accurately associates objects according to the historical trajectories of tracked objects. The ego-states and those of the stationary and dynamic objects are integrated into the sliding window-based collaborative graph optimization. The stationary objects are subsequently restored from the potentially dynamic object set. Finally, a global pose-graph is implemented to eliminate the accumulated error. Experiments on KITTI datasets demonstrate that our method achieves better accuracy than SLAM and object tracking baseline methods. This confirms that solving SLAM and object tracking simultaneously is mutually advantageous, dramatically improving the robustness and accuracy of SLAM and object tracking in dynamic road scenarios.

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