Emergent Mind

Fully-Dynamic Decision Trees

Published Dec 1, 2022 in cs.LG , cs.AI , and cs.DS


We develop the first fully dynamic algorithm that maintains a decision tree over an arbitrary sequence of insertions and deletions of labeled examples. Given $\epsilon > 0$ our algorithm guarantees that, at every point in time, every node of the decision tree uses a split with Gini gain within an additive $\epsilon$ of the optimum. For real-valued features the algorithm has an amortized running time per insertion/deletion of $O\big(\frac{d \log3 n}{\epsilon2}\big)$, which improves to $O\big(\frac{d \log2 n}{\epsilon}\big)$ for binary or categorical features, while it uses space $O(n d)$, where $n$ is the maximum number of examples at any point in time and $d$ is the number of features. Our algorithm is nearly optimal, as we show that any algorithm with similar guarantees uses amortized running time $\Omega(d)$ and space $\tilde{\Omega} (n d)$. We complement our theoretical results with an extensive experimental evaluation on real-world data, showing the effectiveness of our algorithm.

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