Emergent Mind

Quantum Neural Networks for a Supply Chain Logistics Application

Published Nov 30, 2022 in quant-ph and cs.LG


Problem instances of a size suitable for practical applications are not likely to be addressed during the noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) period with (almost) pure quantum algorithms. Hybrid classical-quantum algorithms have potential, however, to achieve good performance on much larger problem instances. We investigate one such hybrid algorithm on a problem of substantial importance: vehicle routing for supply chain logistics with multiple trucks and complex demand structure. We use reinforcement learning with neural networks with embedded quantum circuits. In such neural networks, projecting high-dimensional feature vectors down to smaller vectors is necessary to accommodate restrictions on the number of qubits of NISQ hardware. However, we use a multi-head attention mechanism where, even in classical machine learning, such projections are natural and desirable. We consider data from the truck routing logistics of a company in the automotive sector, and apply our methodology by decomposing into small teams of trucks, and we find results comparable to human truck assignment.

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