Emergent Mind


The ability to regulate and cope with strong emotions is essential for maintaining our mental health and well-being. However, learning how to emotionally regulate can be a bit of a mystery since it is largely an invisible process and it can be difficult to conjure up strong emotions to practice regulating them. This is where virtual reality (or VR) comes in. VR is a computer-generated 3D environment where the user experiences a simulated world through 360 visuals, stereo audio, and 3D interaction with tracking sensors. VR is a very visceral experience that feels 'real' even though you know it isn't. If a virtual ball came flying at your head, you would duck! My past research shows that we can provide VR experiences that elicit strong emotional reactions so that people can practice coping and regulating their emotional responses. For example, I helped create a VR experience of being in nature and then going into space to see the Earth; it created the emotional reaction of awe and wonder that led to a deeper connection with our planet. This shows that emotional VR experiences can impact our emotions and behaviour both in VR and beyond. My research proposal is to investigate the feasibility of emotion regulation skills development in VR with teenagers. The idea is to simulate emotional experiences (like the 1st day of high school) as a means to develop emotion regulation skills so that they will be able to better cope with their emotions. I will lead the design, development, and evaluation of this VR experience and work directly with youth to meet their needs. This proof of concept prototype is the first step in developing a VR platform that provides youth with an effective way to regulate their emotions and improve their mental health from their own homes, which will lead to improvements in education, socio-emotional, and economic outcomes for youth in Canada and globally.

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