Emergent Mind

Estimating the minimizer and the minimum value of a regression function under passive design

Published Nov 29, 2022 in math.ST , stat.ML , and stat.TH


We propose a new method for estimating the minimizer $\boldsymbol{x}*$ and the minimum value $f*$ of a smooth and strongly convex regression function $f$ from the observations contaminated by random noise. Our estimator $\boldsymbol{z}n$ of the minimizer $\boldsymbol{x}*$ is based on a version of the projected gradient descent with the gradient estimated by a regularized local polynomial algorithm. Next, we propose a two-stage procedure for estimation of the minimum value $f*$ of regression function $f$. At the first stage, we construct an accurate enough estimator of $\boldsymbol{x}*$, which can be, for example, $\boldsymbol{z}n$. At the second stage, we estimate the function value at the point obtained in the first stage using a rate optimal nonparametric procedure. We derive non-asymptotic upper bounds for the quadratic risk and optimization error of $\boldsymbol{z}_n$, and for the risk of estimating $f*$. We establish minimax lower bounds showing that, under certain choice of parameters, the proposed algorithms achieve the minimax optimal rates of convergence on the class of smooth and strongly convex functions.

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