Emergent Mind

Neural Poisson: Indicator Functions for Neural Fields

Published Nov 25, 2022 in cs.CV


Implicit neural field generating signed distance field representations (SDFs) of 3D shapes have shown remarkable progress in 3D shape reconstruction and generation. We introduce a new paradigm for neural field representations of 3D scenes; rather than characterizing surfaces as SDFs, we propose a Poisson-inspired characterization for surfaces as indicator functions optimized by neural fields. Crucially, for reconstruction of real scan data, the indicator function representation enables simple and effective constraints based on common range sensing inputs, which indicate empty space based on line of sight. Such empty space information is intrinsic to the scanning process, and incorporating this knowledge enables more accurate surface reconstruction. We show that our approach demonstrates state-of-the-art reconstruction performance on both synthetic and real scanned 3D scene data, with 9.5% improvement in Chamfer distance over state of the art.

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