Emergent Mind

Progress towards the two-thirds conjecture on locating-total dominating sets

Published Nov 25, 2022 in math.CO and cs.DM


We study upper bounds on the size of optimum locating-total dominating sets in graphs. A set $S$ of vertices of a graph $G$ is a locating-total dominating set if every vertex of $G$ has a neighbor in $S$, and if any two vertices outside $S$ have distinct neighborhoods within $S$. The smallest size of such a set is denoted by $\gammaL_t(G)$. It has been conjectured that $\gammaL_t(G)\leq\frac{2n}{3}$ holds for every twin-free graph $G$ of order $n$ without isolated vertices. We prove that the conjecture holds for cobipartite graphs, split graphs, block graphs, subcubic graphs and outerplanar graphs.

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