Emergent Mind

TESSP: Text-Enhanced Self-Supervised Speech Pre-training

Published Nov 24, 2022 in cs.SD and eess.AS


Self-supervised speech pre-training empowers the model with the contextual structure inherent in the speech signal while self-supervised text pre-training empowers the model with linguistic information. Both of them are beneficial for downstream speech tasks such as ASR. However, the distinct pre-training objectives make it challenging to jointly optimize the speech and text representation in the same model. To solve this problem, we propose Text-Enhanced Self-Supervised Speech Pre-training (TESSP), aiming to incorporate the linguistic information into speech pre-training. Our model consists of three parts, i.e., a speech encoder, a text encoder and a shared encoder. The model takes unsupervised speech and text data as the input and leverages the common HuBERT and MLM losses respectively. We also propose phoneme up-sampling and representation swapping to enable joint modeling of the speech and text information. Specifically, to fix the length mismatching problem between speech and text data, we phonemize the text sequence and up-sample the phonemes with the alignment information extracted from a small set of supervised data. Moreover, to close the gap between the learned speech and text representations, we swap the text representation with the speech representation extracted by the respective private encoders according to the alignment information. Experiments on the Librispeech dataset shows the proposed TESSP model achieves more than 10% improvement compared with WavLM on the test-clean and test-other sets. We also evaluate our model on the SUPERB benchmark, showing our model has better performance on Phoneme Recognition, Acoustic Speech Recognition and Speech Translation compared with WavLM.

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