Emergent Mind

Privacy-Enhancing Optical Embeddings for Lensless Classification

Published Nov 23, 2022 in cs.CV and eess.IV


Lensless imaging can provide visual privacy due to the highly multiplexed characteristic of its measurements. However, this alone is a weak form of security, as various adversarial attacks can be designed to invert the one-to-many scene mapping of such cameras. In this work, we enhance the privacy provided by lensless imaging by (1) downsampling at the sensor and (2) using a programmable mask with variable patterns as our optical encoder. We build a prototype from a low-cost LCD and Raspberry Pi components, for a total cost of around 100 USD. This very low price point allows our system to be deployed and leveraged in a broad range of applications. In our experiments, we first demonstrate the viability and reconfigurability of our system by applying it to various classification tasks: MNIST, CelebA (face attributes), and CIFAR10. By jointly optimizing the mask pattern and a digital classifier in an end-to-end fashion, low-dimensional, privacy-enhancing embeddings are learned directly at the sensor. Secondly, we show how the proposed system, through variable mask patterns, can thwart adversaries that attempt to invert the system (1) via plaintext attacks or (2) in the event of camera parameters leaks. We demonstrate the defense of our system to both risks, with 55% and 26% drops in image quality metrics for attacks based on model-based convex optimization and generative neural networks respectively. We open-source a wave propagation and camera simulator needed for end-to-end optimization, the training software, and a library for interfacing with the camera.

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