Emergent Mind

Optimization on the symplectic Stiefel manifold: SR decomposition-based retraction and applications

Published Nov 17, 2022 in math.OC , cs.NA , and math.NA


Numerous problems in optics, quantum physics, stability analysis, and control of dynamical systems can be brought to an optimization problem with matrix variable subjected to the symplecticity constraint. As this constraint nicely forms a so-called symplectic Stiefel manifold, Riemannian optimization is preferred, because one can borrow ideas from unconstrained optimization methods after preparing necessary geometric tools. Retraction is arguably the most important one which decides the way iterates are updated given a search direction. Two retractions have been constructed so far: one relies on the Cayley transform and the other is designed using quasi-geodesic curves. In this paper, we propose a new retraction which is based on an SR matrix decomposition. We prove that its domain contains the open unit ball which is essential in proving the global convergence of the associated gradient-based optimization algorithm. Moreover, we consider three applications--symplectic target matrix problem, symplectic eigenvalue computation, and symplectic model reduction of Hamiltonian systems--with various examples. The extensive numerical comparisons reveal the strengths of the proposed optimization algorithm.

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