Emergent Mind

The Missing Indicator Method: From Low to High Dimensions

Published Nov 16, 2022 in cs.LG , cs.AI , and stat.ML


Missing data is common in applied data science, particularly for tabular data sets found in healthcare, social sciences, and natural sciences. Most supervised learning methods only work on complete data, thus requiring preprocessing such as missing value imputation to work on incomplete data sets. However, imputation alone does not encode useful information about the missing values themselves. For data sets with informative missing patterns, the Missing Indicator Method (MIM), which adds indicator variables to indicate the missing pattern, can be used in conjunction with imputation to improve model performance. While commonly used in data science, MIM is surprisingly understudied from an empirical and especially theoretical perspective. In this paper, we show empirically and theoretically that MIM improves performance for informative missing values, and we prove that MIM does not hurt linear models asymptotically for uninformative missing values. Additionally, we find that for high-dimensional data sets with many uninformative indicators, MIM can induce model overfitting and thus test performance. To address this issue, we introduce Selective MIM (SMIM), a novel MIM extension that adds missing indicators only for features that have informative missing patterns. We show empirically that SMIM performs at least as well as MIM in general, and improves MIM for high-dimensional data. Lastly, to demonstrate the utility of MIM on real-world data science tasks, we demonstrate the effectiveness of MIM and SMIM on clinical tasks generated from the MIMIC-III database of electronic health records.

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