Emergent Mind

Complexes from Complexes: Finite Element Complexes in Three Dimensions

Published Nov 16, 2022 in math.NA and cs.NA


In the realm of solving partial differential equations (PDEs), Hilbert complexes have gained paramount importance, and recent progress revolves around devising new complexes using the Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand (BGG) framework, as demonstrated by Arnold and Hu [Complexes from complexes. {\em Found. Comput. Math.}, 2021]. This paper significantly extends this methodology to three-dimensional finite element complexes, surmounting challenges posed by disparate degrees of smoothness and continuity mismatches. By incorporating techniques such as smooth finite element de Rham complexes, the $t-n$ decomposition, and trace complexes with corresponding two-dimensional finite element analogs, we systematically derive finite element Hessian, elasticity, and divdiv complexes. Notably, the construction entails the incorporation of reduction operators to handle continuity disparities in the BGG diagram at the continuous level, ultimately culminating in a comprehensive and robust framework for constructing finite element complexes with diverse applications in PDE solving.

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