Emergent Mind

Show Me the Instruments: Musical Instrument Retrieval from Mixture Audio

Published Nov 15, 2022 in cs.SD , cs.LG , and eess.AS


As digital music production has become mainstream, the selection of appropriate virtual instruments plays a crucial role in determining the quality of music. To search the musical instrument samples or virtual instruments that make one's desired sound, music producers use their ears to listen and compare each instrument sample in their collection, which is time-consuming and inefficient. In this paper, we call this task as Musical Instrument Retrieval and propose a method for retrieving desired musical instruments using reference music mixture as a query. The proposed model consists of the Single-Instrument Encoder and the Multi-Instrument Encoder, both based on convolutional neural networks. The Single-Instrument Encoder is trained to classify the instruments used in single-track audio, and we take its penultimate layer's activation as the instrument embedding. The Multi-Instrument Encoder is trained to estimate multiple instrument embeddings using the instrument embeddings computed by the Single-Instrument Encoder as a set of target embeddings. For more generalized training and realistic evaluation, we also propose a new dataset called Nlakh. Experimental results showed that the Single-Instrument Encoder was able to learn the mapping from the audio signal of unseen instruments to the instrument embedding space and the Multi-Instrument Encoder was able to extract multiple embeddings from the mixture of music and retrieve the desired instruments successfully. The code used for the experiment and audio samples are available at: https://github.com/minju0821/musical_instrument_retrieval

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