Emergent Mind


Ensemble data assimilation in flood forecasting depends strongly on the density, frequency and statistics of errors associated with the observation network. This work focuses on the assimilation of 2D flood extent data, expressed in terms of wet surface ratio, in addition to the in-situ water level data. The objective is to improve the representation of the flood plain dynamics with a TELEMAC-2D model and an Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF). The EnKF control vector is composed of friction coefficients and corrective parameters to the input forcing. It is augmented with the water level state averaged over selected subdomains of the floodplain. This work focuses on the 2019 flood event that occurred over the Garonne Marmandaise catchment. The merits of assimilating SAR-derived flood plain data complementary to in-situ water level observations are shown in the control parameter and observation spaces with 1D and 2D assessment metrics. It was also shown that the assimilation of Wet surface Ratio in the flood plain complementary to in-situ data in the river bed brings significative improvement when a corrective term on flood plain hydraulic state is included in the control vector. Yet, it has barely no impact in the river bed that is sufficiently well described by in-situ data. We highlighted that the correction of the hydraulic state in the flood plain significantly improved the flood dynamics, especially during the recession. This proof-of-concept study paves the way towards near-real-time flood forecast, making the most of remote sensing-derived flood observations.

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