Emergent Mind


Although extensive research in emergency collision avoidance has been carried out for straight or curved roads in a highway scenario, a general method that could be implemented for all road environments has not been thoroughly explored. Moreover, most current algorithms don't consider collision mitigation in an emergency. This functionality is essential since the problem may have no feasible solution. We propose a safe controller using model predictive control and artificial potential function to address these problems. A new artificial potential function inspired by line charge is proposed as the cost function for our model predictive controller. The vehicle dynamics and actuator limitations are set as constraints. The new artificial potential function considers the shape of all objects. In particular, the artificial potential function we proposed has the flexibility to fit the shape of the road structures, such as the intersection. We could also realize collision mitigation for a specific part of the vehicle by increasing the charge quantity at the corresponding place. We have tested our methods in 192 cases from 8 different scenarios in simulation with two different models. The simulation results show that the success rate of the proposed safe controller is 20% higher than using HJ-reachability with system decomposition by using a unicycle model. It could also decrease 43% of collision that happens at the pre-assigned part. The method is further validated in a dynamic bicycle model.

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