Emergent Mind

On maximal k-edge-connected subgraphs of undirected graphs

Published Nov 12, 2022 in cs.DS


We show how to find and efficiently maintain maximal k-edge-connected subgraphs in undirected graphs. In particular, we provide the following results. (1) A general framework for maintaining the maximal k-edge-connected subgraphs upon insertions of edges or vertices, by successively partitioning the graph into its k-edge-connected components. This defines a decomposition tree, which can be maintained by using algorithms for the incremental maintenance of the k-edge-connected components as black boxes at every level of the tree. (2) As an application of this framework, we provide two algorithms for the incremental maintenance of the maximal $3$-edge-connected subgraphs. These algorithms allow for vertex and edge insertions, interspersed with queries asking whether two vertices belong to the same maximal $3$-edge-connected subgraph. The first algorithm has $O(m\alpha(m,n) + n2\log2 n)$ total running time and uses $O(n)$ space, where $m$ is the number of edge insertions and queries, and $n$ is the total number of vertices inserted. The second algorithm performs the same operations in faster $O(m\alpha(m,n) + n2\alpha(n,n))$ time in total, using $O(n2)$ space. (3) We provide efficient constructions of sparse subgraphs that have the same maximal k-edge-connected subgraphs as the original graph. These are useful in speeding up computations involving the maximal k-edge-connected subgraphs in dense undirected graphs. (4) We give two deterministic algorithms for computing the maximal k-edge-connected subgraphs in undirected graphs, with running times $O(m+k{O(1)}n\sqrt{n}\mathrm{polylog}(n))$ and $O(m+k{O(k)}n\sqrt{n}\log{n})$, respectively. (5) A fully dynamic algorithm for maintaining information about the maximal k-edge-connected subgraphs for fixed k. Our update bounds are $O(n\sqrt{n}\log{n})$ worst-case time, and we achieve constant time for maximal k-edge-connected subgraph queries.

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