Emergent Mind

Deep Explainable Learning with Graph Based Data Assessing and Rule Reasoning

Published Nov 9, 2022 in cs.AI and cs.LG


Learning an explainable classifier often results in low accuracy model or ends up with a huge rule set, while learning a deep model is usually more capable of handling noisy data at scale, but with the cost of hard to explain the result and weak at generalization. To mitigate this gap, we propose an end-to-end deep explainable learning approach that combines the advantage of deep model in noise handling and expert rule-based interpretability. Specifically, we propose to learn a deep data assessing model which models the data as a graph to represent the correlations among different observations, whose output will be used to extract key data features. The key features are then fed into a rule network constructed following predefined noisy expert rules with trainable parameters. As these models are correlated, we propose an end-to-end training framework, utilizing the rule classification loss to optimize the rule learning model and data assessing model at the same time. As the rule-based computation is none-differentiable, we propose a gradient linking search module to carry the gradient information from the rule learning model to the data assessing model. The proposed method is tested in an industry production system, showing comparable prediction accuracy, much higher generalization stability and better interpretability when compared with a decent deep ensemble baseline, and shows much better fitting power than pure rule-based approach.

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