Emergent Mind

Cyclability, Connectivity and Circumference

Published Nov 6, 2022 in math.CO and cs.DM


In a graph $G$, a subset of vertices $S \subseteq V(G)$ is said to be cyclable if there is a cycle containing the vertices in some order. $G$ is said to be $k$-cyclable if any subset of $k \geq 2$ vertices is cyclable. If any $k$ \textit{ordered} vertices are present in a common cycle in that order, then the graph is said to be $k$-ordered. We show that when $k \leq \sqrt{n+3}$, $k$-cyclable graphs also have circumference $c(G) \geq 2k$, and that this is best possible. Furthermore when $k \leq \frac{3n}{4} -1$, $c(G) \geq k+2$, and for $k$-ordered graphs we show $c(G) \geq \min{n,2k}$. We also generalize a result by Byer et al. on the maximum number of edges in nonhamiltonian $k$-connected graphs, and show that if $G$ is a $k$-connected graph of order $n \geq 2(k2+k)$ with $|E(G)| > \binom{n-k}{2} + k2$, then the graph is hamiltonian, and moreover the extremal graphs are unique.

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