Emergent Mind

Extension of Simple Algorithms to the Matroid Secretary Problem

Published Nov 4, 2022 in cs.DS


Whereas there are simple algorithms that are proven to be optimal for the Classical and the Multiple Choice Secretary Problem, the Matroid Secretary Problem is less thoroughly understood. This paper proposes the generalization of some simple algorithms from the Classical and Multiple Choice versions on the Matroid Secretary Problem. Out of two algorithms that make decisions based on samples, like the Dynkin's algorithm, one is proven to be an instance of Greedy Algorithm (Bahrani et al., 2022), while the other is not. A generalized version of the Virtual Algorithm (Babaioff et al., 2018) obtains a constant competitive ratio for the Hat Graph, the adversarial example for Greedy Algorithms, but fails to do so when a slight modificiation is introduced to the graph. We show that there is no algorithm with Strong Forbidden Sets (Soto et al., 2021) of size 1 on all graphic matroids.

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